Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Collecting Food

Millions of Americans don’t have access to enough food. Yet, up to 40 percent of the food produced in the United States goes to waste. Much of this food is edible, but it doesn’t make it to people’s plates for a number of reasons: there’s little time left until the “sell by date”, the nutrition label is printed incorrectly, the packaging is damaged, fruits and vegetables are oddly shaped, and many others. As Greater Hartford’s regional food bank, Foodshare connects sources of this surplus food to the local programs that provide it to families, children, seniors, and others in need of assistance.

Nearly all of the food Foodshare distributes is donated, with most coming from the food industry. By donating edible but unsalable food to Foodshare, businesses are able to help reduce food waste and make a difference in the lives of our neighbors who worry about having enough food.

“Because of the Connecticut Food Industry, people don’t have to make the decision between medicine and food.”

- Noel McGregor, Grace Seventh-Day Adventist Pantry in Hartford

Foodshare continues to seek out new avenues of safe and healthy food for our neighbors. This includes an innovative program to rescue food from local grocery stores. Learn more about Retail Rescue >

Become a Food Donor

Foodshare honors our food industry donors each year at the Convoy of Caring in September.

Interested in donating food to Foodshare? Learn more >

Other Programs

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Hunger Action Teams

A comprehensive solution to food insecurity requires all hands on deck. Hunger Action Teams (HATs) aim to jumpstart the conversation in order to build each community’s capacity for efficiently and effectively meeting local needs.

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Mobile Foodshare

Mobile Foodshare is our pantry-on-wheels that brings fresh produce and other food to our neighbors throughout the region increasing access to healthy food and nutrition.

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SNAP Outreach

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of the most powerful tools for addressing hunger in our community. We train volunteers to help people apply, so more of our neighbors can access the groceries they need.

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