Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Food Collection & Distribution

Food Collection & Distribution

As the regional Feeding America food bank serving Hartford and Tolland counties, Foodshare is the largest anti-hunger organization in the Greater Hartford area. We connect surplus food to our neighbors who struggle with hunger through a network of more than 260 food pantries, meal programs, and Mobile Foodshare sites.

Foodshare collects and distributes enough food to make nearly 14 million meals each year. One-third of the food we distribute is fresh produce.

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Collecting Food

Learn more about where Foodshare gets our food, and how we are helping to reduce food waste.

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Distributing Food

Learn more about how Foodshare distributes food through an integrated network of more than 260 local partner programs and Mobile Foodshare sites.

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Join Our Community

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