Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Education & Awareness

Foodshare works year-round to raise awareness about hunger in our community and how we can all help make a difference.

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Request a Speaker

Does your group want to learn more about hunger and Foodshare's work in the community? Request a Foodshare speaker today!

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Hunger 101

Hunger 101 is an activity to educate people about hunger and the challenges people in poverty face. Schedule a Hunger 101 for your group!

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Hunger & Health

Learn more about the connection between hunger and health, and how Foodshare prioritizes nutrition in our work.

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SNAP Challenge

Learn what it’s like to live on the average daily benefit of $4.50 here in Connecticut, and share your experience with others.

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Become an Ambassador

Do you want to speak out against hunger and help raise awareness? Become a Foodshare Ambassador! Training is provided.

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Share Your Story

Sharing your personal experience is a powerful way to take action. If you or someone you know has experienced hunger, share your story.

Join Our Community

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