Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Hunger 101

Educating the Community

Take on the identity of a family struggling with hunger and poverty. Foodshare’s Hunger 101 is an interactive role play that allows you to walk in the shoes of a family in need. The 1.5 hour activity is engaging and interesting, providing a rich opportunity for discussion about the issues families face.

Who Should Participate?

In recent years, groups from local corporations, faith communities, youth groups and schools throughout the area have experienced Hunger 101. Groups from 12 to 200 are invited. Foodshare presents this educational activity free of charge and it can be done at our facility or yours!

We have designed multiple versions of Hunger 101 to make the program versatile enough to engage everyone — children and adults, experienced advocates and interested friends. Schedule a Hunger 101 for your group!

Participants are enthusiastic about Hunger 101:

  • One adult participant advises that, "You should try to do this program with our legislators.  If they participated, it would change the state's conversation about hunger."

  • Ben, age 11, felt that, "The role play was a good way of showing us how hard life is for poor people. My family started out with $500 but ended up with only one dollar a day for food."

Additional Opportunities

Request a Speaker: You may also request speeches on topics related to hunger or request our presence at an informational tabling event. To request a Foodshare speaker, please complete this form.

Launch a Food Justice Club: Foodshare’s Food Justice Club is designed for high school and college students. This opportunity explores different areas of food justice - food justice in your neighborhood, food as medicine, and food policy and encourages students to create a project around a food justice topic of their choice. This education opportunity is a great way to build the skills of the students while also raising awareness about hunger issues. Foodshare provides a stipend to each club coordinator for the first 10 clubs established in our region to support these efforts to engage the next generation of activists. For more information, contact Foodshare’s Community Involvement Manager, Sarah Santora.

How You Can Help

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Take action today and donate your time to Foodshare. We offer a variety of opportunities to get involved and give back.

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Financial gifts help more of our neighbors access nutritious food. Your donation can be the difference between hunger and health.

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Join us for events that raise awareness and support for the Foodshare mission, or host an event of your own.

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Raise your voice to help end hunger in Greater Hartford. Together we can build systemic solutions that bring lasting change.

Success Stories

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Florien and Wanda

Florien struggles with dementia but at 95 years old, that does not define who he is.

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Maribel Bermudez

When Maribel Bermudez was laid off after her employer downsized, her husband's salary wasn’t enough to cover all of their expenses, especially with two kids.

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Chris and Alana Woodward

You can tell right away that Chris and Alana are devoted, caring parents, ready to do whatever it takes to make their family work.

Join Our Community

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