Foodshare | Hunger is Big. Our Community is Bigger.
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Foodshare Ambassadors

Join Our Team

Hunger in Greater Hartford is a real and serious issue. Help us get the entire community involved by becoming a Foodshare Ambassador. Foodshare trains volunteers to become anti-hunger Ambassadors who can share their knowledge and network with others across our region.

Training consists of three levels, and volunteers progress as they feel comfortable:

  • Level I Tabling Ambassador - is stationed at a booth or table to represent Foodshare at community events. This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and interact casually with visitors, while keeping materials organized.

  • Level II Speaking Ambassador - shares Foodshare’s message through speaking engagements hosted by schools, companies and other community organizations. Volunteers also help give tours at Foodshare.

  • Level III Hunger 101 Facilitator - leads the Hunger 101 role-play and discussion activity that takes participants into the life of a person struggling with hunger.

“It has really helped me understand the issues. I was passionate about nutrition before, but now I have a better understanding of the solutions… it helps change people’s perspectives and see what it’s like.”

Melissa Platner, Level III Ambassador

Take Action

To learn more about becoming a Foodshare Ambassador, contact our Community Involvement Manager, Sarah Santora at 860-856-435, or attend our next Ambassador training.

How You Can Help

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Take action today and donate your time to Foodshare. We offer a variety of opportunities to get involved and give back.

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Financial gifts help more of our neighbors access nutritious food. Your donation can be the difference between hunger and health.

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Join us for events that raise awareness and support for the Foodshare mission, or host an event of your own.

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Raise your voice to help end hunger in Greater Hartford. Together we can build systemic solutions that bring lasting change.

Success Stories

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Florien and Wanda

Florien struggles with dementia but at 95 years old, that does not define who he is.

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Maribel Bermudez

When Maribel Bermudez was laid off after her employer downsized, her husband's salary wasn’t enough to cover all of their expenses, especially with two kids.

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Chris and Alana Woodward

You can tell right away that Chris and Alana are devoted, caring parents, ready to do whatever it takes to make their family work.

Join Our Community

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